The Lendrum Community League is managed and operated by volunteers who live in Lendrum. They donate their time, effort, skills and wisdom to make Lendrum Place a better place to live, work, and play, and ensure that the neighbourhood spaces are meeting the needs of Lendrum residents.
Working together, the Lendrum Community League coordinates our community response on issues and gives each resident of Lendrum a stronger voice when presenting ideas to City Council with regards to facility and park development, traffic management, urban planning, and strategies to decrease crime.
Volunteers in Lendrum plan neighbourhood activities, special events, and fun family gatherings; manage the community hall and organize rentals; maintain the outdoor rinks and offer various sports and leisure programs; maintain the natural area and garden beds; and keep residents informed through regular board meetings, newsletters, emails, our social media accounts and this website.
Volunteer Opportunities
Abundant Community Coordinator, VACANT
Social Events Coordinator, VACANT
Want to Volunteer?