Lendrum Community League Membership
"The best way to create the type of community you want to live in is to get active and get engaged with your neighbours and with your league. When we all work together, we create safer, healthier and more enjoyable neighbourhoods - ones we are proud to call ours."
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
Working together, the Lendrum Community League, located at 11335 57 Avenue NW, coordinates our community response on issues and gives each resident of Lendrum a stronger voice when presenting ideas to City Council with regards to facility and park development, traffic management, urban planning, and strategies to decrease crime.
Volunteers in Lendrum plan neighbourhood activities, special events, and fun family gatherings; manage the community hall and organize rentals; maintain the outdoor rinks and offer various sports and leisure programs; maintain the natural area and garden beds; and keep residents informed through regular board meetings, newsletters, emails, our social media accounts and this website.
LCL Membership Benefits
Your LCL membership provides an opportunity to share ideas & work together to promote positive change in your community.
As a LCL member you have voting rights on community issues.
LCL members receive a discounted rate on Lendrum Hall Rentals.
Individuals with an LCL Membership get free use of the beach volleyball courts when available.
LCL Members have access to Lendrum's movable Kwik Soccer Goals.
Community League Memberships are required to play Community League Soccer.
Lendrum Community League has both a skating oval and a boarded ice rink.
Skate tags are provided when you purchase your membership and give you access to Lendrum’s rink and all other Edmonton community league rinks. Please request them on the membership form below.
LCL members can go swimming on Sundays from 4-5:30pm at Confederation Pool for free. Please note that the community league free swim is not offered on some holidays.
LCL members have access to community programs, like Yoga & seasonal sports programs, such as soccer, which require community league membership.
Visit EFCL Membership Benefits for additional benefits that the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues has arranged with various vendors.
Look back often, as they do change!
Lendrum Community League Membership Rates
Family Membership: $40
Individual: $25
Senior: $25
Your Lendrum Community League Membership is valid from September 1st to August 31st. You are welcome to join anytime throughout the year, but please note, memberships are not pro-rated and all memberships expire annually on August 31st.
3 Convenient Ways to Purchase
1. Email the completed LCL membership form to membership@lendrum.org and e-transfer your membership fee to treasurer@lendrum.org with “Membership Fee” in the notes.
2. Mail or drop off your completed LCL membership form along with your cheque (made out to Lendrum Community League) to:
c/o Lisa Sharun
11432 - 55 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB
If you need to make a cash payment, please contact Lisa Sharun at membership@lendrum.org
Do not send cash through the mail. Do not leave cash in her mailbox.
You will receive your Membership Card and your Skate Tags (if requested) in your house mailbox (usually within a week).
Go to the new Lendrum Communal Portal and complete the registration process and pay your fees online.
The EFCL sells the Lendrum Community League Membership on the EFCL website and charges an additional $5 administration fee on each transaction.
You will be asked to complete a membership form online and the information will be transferred to the Lendrum Community League.
Your membership card will be emailed to you by the EFCL.
Please contact Lisa for your skate tags if you apply through the EFCL website.
You will be asked to complete a Membership Request Form similar to the Lendrum Community League form, regardless of where or how you make your payment.
If purchasing through the Lendrum Community League, start the process by filling out the LCL Membership Notification below.
LCL Membership Notification
Now download and complete the LCL Membership form below and email it to membership@lendrum.org.
Complete the process by e-transfering your Membership Fee to treasurer@lendrum.org with “Membership Fee” in the notes.
The Membership, Hall Rental, Rink and Volleyball Coordinators are volunteers who live in the community and freely give their time, efforts and skills. When making your requests for information or to rent a facility, please allow our volunteers a few days to get back to you.
Abusive or aggressive behaviour as well as persistent or unreasonable demands are unacceptable.