Athletic Park
The Lendrum Athletic Park has many facilities and amenities for the enjoyment of all residents and visitors of Lendrum.
Soccer Fields
The Lendrum Athletic Park has
1 Full Size Soccer field (Book 1/3, 1/2, or full field) with 24' Permanent Goals and
2 Mini Soccer fields with 10' Permanent Goals.
Please be aware that Permanent Goal Areas are closed to practice and casual play.
Also by keeping non-game activities away from the Permanent Goal Areas, we will have the best chance of maintaining these fields at their highest possible level.
All soccer field bookings are through the City of Edmonton
780-442-4548 or SportsfieldBookings@edmonton.ca
Visit Sports Fields to book or for more information
The Lendrum Community League has:
2 Movable 12' Kwik Goals
2 Movable 18' Kwik Goals
2 Movable 24' Kwik Goals
To arrange for use of our portable goals, contact Ron Pidskalny, athleticpark@lendrum.org.
Outdoor soccer registration will start on February 1, 2024 for the 2024 outdoor season, which will run from the beginning of May to the end of June. Please check back at the end of January for further information. If you have any questions before then, please contact our soccer coordinator, Julie, at soccer@lendrum.org
The Athletic Park and Outdoor Community Soccer Coordinators are Volunteers who live in the community and freely give their time, efforts and skills. When making your requests for information or to rent equipment, please allow our Volunteers a few days to get back to you.
Abusive or aggressive behaviour as well as persistent or unreasonable demands are unacceptable.
Other Facilities
1 Premier Baseball Diamond.
This diamond has a shale infield with benches and is maintained by the city at a Premier Level.
Visit Ball Diamond - City of Edmonton for more information or to book. Our baseball diamond is called Avalon/Lendrum #1.
Long Jump & Triple Jump with cinder runways.
The Naturalized Area is a great place to explore in any season.
275 m Cinder Track
Benchmark Program
The next time you visit the Lendrum Park, rest a spell on one of the benches that was purchased through the Benchmark Program - City of Edmonton. Lendrum is very fortunate to have these gifts that pay tribute to our residents. Find them throughout Lendrum Park and enjoy the special plaques on each.
Our Benchmark benches were installed prior to 2016 and will continue to be maintained by the City as part of the existing inventory without requiring any renewal donation. Maintenance for benches includes:
Inspection, repair/refurbishment and/or replacement of bench materials every three years or as required
Repair, refurbishment and/or replacement of the commemorative plaque as required
Repair and refurbishment resulting from acts of vandalism, as required
If you notice a bench in need of repair, please contact the Athletic Park Coordinator, athleticpark@lendrum.org.