Monthly Meetings
"Community leagues are about building strong, inclusive communities through programming and events, infrastructure development and civic engagement. They strive to provide the space and opportunity for neighbours to get to know each other, have fun and ultimately, support each other which strengthens the entire community."
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
The Lendrum Community League usually meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Lendrum Community League Hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings. Lendrum Community League members have voting privileges at the meeting.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for the community to hear the summary of the year’s work, comment on the direction their league is taking, elect officers to the LCL Board, and meet the volunteers and neighbours who work to make Lendrum such a great place to live.
The AGM is open for all residents to attend. Those residents who are current members of the Lendrum Community League may have one vote per household on issues that are on the Agenda.
Feel free to attend and discover what has been going on behind the scenes. You may be interested in getting involved yourself.
2025 Lendrum Community League AGM
The LCL AGM will be held on Monday, April 7, 2025 at the Community Hall.
Lendrum Community League Members, who shared their email address with the LCL, will be emailed the agenda (link coming soon). A link to the board reports will be shared here once available.
If you have any questions about the meeting please do not hesitate to reach out to Amit Bhavsar,