Hall Rental

Lendrum Community Hall
The Hall is ideal for hosting meetups, social gatherings, classes and community events.
To rent the Lendrum Community Hall located at 11335 57 Avenue NW, please first check the Hall Rentals Calendar for your preferred date & time, then email the Hall Rentals Coordinator (hallrentals@lendrum.org) to initiate a Hall booking. You must also complete all the payment and document requirements (listed below) for the Hall rental.
Only adults 25 years and older can rent the Lendrum Community Hall.
The Hall can only be used for social and recreational functions, and not commercial purposes.
City of Edmonton Park’s Bylaw requires that our park be “cleared” by 11:00 PM each evening. We do not normally book our hall for past 10:30 PM.
Rental Fees vary, between LCL Member and non-Members, and day booked.
Day Rate includes 6 hours. Additional hours incur a per hour fee. There is a minimum of a two hour rental.
All rentals are subject to a $30 discount for submission of rental fees and completed Rental Agreement more than 14 days prior to your event.
Remember to include setup and cleanup time in your booking.
Lendrum Comm. League Members
Sunday 4 hrs - $90
Mon-Sat 2 hrs - $90 3 hrs - $120 4hrs -$150
5-6 hrs - $180, all extra hrs $15/hrNon - LCL Members
Mon - Sun 2 hrs - $120, 3 hrs - $160, 4 hrs - $200, 5-6 hrs - $240, all extra hrs $20/hrDishes $1/setting, LCD proj. $20/day
8 tables 2.4m (8 feet) in length
4 tables 1.8m (6 feet) in length
65 chairs
Full kitchen with stove, fridge, dishwasher, and microwave
Hall and Boardroom (rooms cannot be rented separately)
805 square feet (approx 9.1m x 9.1m | 28 ft x 28 ft)
Suitable for social gatherings of 30 to 40 participants
Maximum Operational Occupant Load:
Dining & Beverage: 62
Space with non-fixed seats: 100
Space with non-fixed seats & tables: 78
256 feet (approx 5.8 m x 4m | 19 ft x 13 ft)
Suitable for meetings of up to 12 participants.
Large conference table.
15 upholstered chairs available.
There is an area for coats in the foyer.
There are 2 washrooms accessible from the Hall and an additional washroom is accessed from the Skate Room.
There is a loading zone in front of the Hall door, accessible from the parking lot entrance. Parking lot entrance is on the east side of Lendrum Park, along 113A street at 56 avenue.
Our Lendrum Community League has a NO PET policy for ALL hall rentals. Service dogs are welcome.
A set of dishes, glasses, and cutlery for 50 is available to rent for $1/setting.
A LCD projector is available for $20/day.
Please read all sections below before making a booking.
All NON - Lendrum CL member renters, and all renters providing liquor service must have Liability Insurance.
The insurance required is a short-term facility rental policy that names Lendrum Community League as an additional insured for $2 million liability coverage.
For many renters it is best to start with your household insurance broker, or search on “the web” for EVENT LIABILITY INSURANCE or try Duuo Insurance, PAL Canada, Brokerlink, or NFP.
If your guests will consume alcohol, you must have a Liquor Licence from AGLC.
In Alberta, you need a special event license (SEL) from the AGLC to sell or provide liquor at private events, which are open to invited guests or members only.
If you will be providing liquor free, you will need a private non-sale SEL license.
If guests will be paying for either admission or liquor service, you will need a private resale SEL license.
You will find full details and links to apply for the license online at Liquor Licences for Private Special Events | AGLC
There is a $150 Damage Deposit for Keys, Damages and Cleaning payable by Cheque or Cash.
This is paid by the Renter before receiving the code to the Hall Key Box.
It is held by the Lendrum Hall Rentals Coordinator to cover the loss of keys, damages and/or cleaning of the Lendrum Community Hall.
Before the event, the Renter and the Hall Rental Coordinator (or designate) will inspect the condition and cleanliness of the Hall and complete and initial Part 1 of the Hall Inspection Checklist.
After the event (as arranged) the Hall Rental Coordinator will again inspect the Hall and Complete Part 2 of the checklist.
The Damage Deposit will be returned to the Renter after keys are returned, and the Hall is inspected and deemed cleaned and undamaged according to the Checklist.
Damages will be assessed for incomplete cleaning, damage or vandalism.
Any damage, repairs or replacement costs will be deducted from the Damage Deposit and excess costs invoiced.
If one or both Hall keys are lost, up to $150 will be deducted from the Damage Deposit.
Renters are expected to complete a cleaning of the Hall (checklist provided) and remove any garbage generated (we have no garbage pick-up).
Renters may hire our Hall Custodian, Lionel at suneclean@yahoo.ca to clean after your event for $60 - $100.
Parkland use may require a license from the City of Edmonton (CoE); find more information at CoE Neighbourhood Events.
In accordance with the City of Edmonton Bylaw 14614 - Public Places Bylaw:
Inappropriate Public Behaviour including littering, smoking, vaping, cannabis use, illegal drug use and disorderly conduct is not allowed inside or outside Lendrum Hall.
Inappropriate Public Behaviour is not allowed in Lendrum Park, on the playground, water spray parks, beach volleyball courts, seasonal skating rinks, sports fields or adjacent school grounds.
Our league hall is within a City of Edmonton park and our City Parkland Bylaw (2202) requires that parks are normally vacated between 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM.
As part of the Agent Status program, the Lendrum Community League has given authority to Edmonton Police Service members to act as "agents" for the property. This gives EPS members the authority to act on behalf of the Lendrum Community League and require troublesome folk to leave.
If renters cancel their Hall booking with 30 days or more notice by email to hallrentals@lendrum.org, the rent paid will be returned less a $25 processing fee.
If renters cancel their Hall booking with less than 30 days notice by email to hallrentals@lendrum.org, only 50% of the rent paid will be returned.
Events may be rescheduled without penalty.
The Membership, Hall Rental, Rink and Volleyball Coordinators are Volunteers who live in the community and freely give their time, efforts and skills. When making your requests for information or to rent a facility, please allow our Volunteers a few days to get back to you.
Abusive or aggressive behaviour as well as persistent or unreasonable demands are unacceptable.
Rental Process
Check the Hall Rentals Calendar to see if your date is available, send the Hall Rental Coordinator (hallrentals@lendrum.org) an email to view the Hall and/or to confirm that your preferred date is available, and to request a copy of the “Hall Rental Agreement.”
All Rental requests should be initiated a minimum of 4 weeks prior to proposed Event booking date.
A booking is confirmed once the Rental Fee is submitted, and a FULLY completed "Hall Rental Agreement" has been submitted, and this may include personal ID, LCL membership card if an LCL member, Certificate of Liability Insurance, and Liquor License if serving liquor.
All paperwork and fees should be submitted no later than 2 weeks prior to the Event.
Non-compliance may be grounds to refuse rental.
Email a completed Hall Rental Agreement to hallrentals@lendrum.org.
Send the Rental Fee by e-transfer to treasurer@lendrum.org at least 2 weeks before your event.
Email a scan or photo of your current LCL community league membership card to hallrentals@lendrum.org
Email a scan or photo of your current Photo ID to hallrentals@lendrum.org
Email proof of Liability Insurance (required by all events providing liquor, and all Non - LCL member renters) to hallrentals@lendrum.org
Email proof of Liquor Licence (required by all events providing liquor) to hallrentals@lendrum.org
A few days before your event, attend a Hall Orientation for the Pre-Event Inspection and passing of the Key Box code. Also bring your $150 Damage Deposit for Keys, Damages and Cleaning via cheque payable to Lendrum Community League (preferred) or CASH to this orientation. Deposits will be returned after the Post-Event Inspection. This may take up to a week. Cheques will be “voided, torn, scanned” with image sent to renters and then shredded, cash maybe picked up or returned as an email transfer minus the transfer fee ($1-$2).