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Joint Craft Group and Stitchery Circle

  • Lendrum Community Hall 11335 57 Avenue Northwest Edmonton, AB, T6H 0Z7 Canada (map)

The Lendrum Crafters Group welcomes all residents and friends who enjoy doing handicrafts. We meet twice a month and share a potluck lunch at the hall. Bring a project to work on and/or completed projects to share.

Usually on the 2nd and 4th Monday from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Hall with the exception of Holiday Mondays.

Contact Peggy Folinsbee for more information

If you have unfinished projects languishing, bring them along and perhaps some help with the tricky bits or maybe just some enthusiasm and encouragement will help get things rolling again. If you just want to stitch with some friendly neighbours for a relaxing evening, come join the Stitchery Circle!

  • On the 1st and 3rd Monday from 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

  • If there is a 5th Monday in the month, we get together with the Craft Group

  • All skill levels and genders are welcome

  • Cost is a twoonie a time

Contact Heather Jenkins for more information.

March 30

Community League Swim

April 3
